The main focus of Miracle Healing Light Center is to promote healing through energy, for those who wish to experience and accelerate the light of their own highest Healing potential, beyond the limitations of their physical, emotional and mental bodies.

Remote Energy Healing Sessions (Group):

For the purpose of making energy healing affordable and accessible to more people, Mandana is currently offering two Group Healing sessions per week.

These sessions are $45 and are offered every Monday and Friday evening from 8:45pm – 9:30pm (Pacific Time U.S.).
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Remote Energy Healing Session (One on One):

You may write a request for a remote one-on-one session with Mandana, after completing at least six group sessions, and only if they have proven to be beneficial to you. These sessions are $360 for one hour and $180 for half an hour. Mandana reserves the right to refuse a one on one session, at any time and for any reason.
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Global Healing Prayer Circle:

You can place your name on our prayer list, and Mandana and the volunteers of Miracle Healing Light Center, will pray for your health and overall wellbeing, for 21 days in a row. This service is free of charge.
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